Learn about the research group
The collaboration among the three INGEO research units represents a marriage of cutting-edge geophysical expertise:
From expertise in seismology in Trieste...
to deep knowledge of petrophysics in Padua...
to competence in geothermal modeling in Pisa

The National Research Council (CNR) is a public organisation with Italy’s largest network of institutes. It carries out, promotes, spreads, transfers and improves research activities in the main sectors of knowledge growth. In the context of the INGEO project, CNR stands out as a leading research institute in the field of geothermal energy in Italy, boasting a 50-year history in this field. The CNR team involved in the INGEO project comes from the Institute of Geosciences and Georisources (IGG), whose scientific focus is dedicated to the development and improvement of geothermal exploration technology and methodology. For the InGEO project, CNR will provide its computational infrastructure, GeoThopica 2.0, for thermal modeling and calculation of geothermal potential. In addition, CNR will assume the role of project coordinator, lead Work Package 2 (WP2).

The University of Trieste, is a university that offers a wide and comprehensive range of courses of study. Among its 10 departments, the Department of Mathematics and Geosciences has been awarded the status of “Department of Excellence” for 2018-2023 by the MUR. Due to the expertise in rock rheology and geophysics of the DMG’s Geodynamics and Tectonophysics section, as well as in thermo-compositional modeling of the lithosphere, the section will take the lead of Work Package 1 (WP1) in the InGEO project.

The University of Padua (UNIPD), founded in Italy in 1222, is one of the oldest and most prestigious universities in Europe. The Department of Geosciences, first in Italy for Earth Sciences according to the GRAS assessment, has been awarded the status of “Department of Excellence” by the MUR for the period 2023-2027. The geothermal research group is at the forefront of geothermal energy research, particularly focusing on the characterization of the thermal properties of rocks, the effect of heat transport, subsurface heat storage, geothermal heat pumps and deep closed-circuit wells. In the context of the InGEO project, UNIPD-DG provides a wide range of laboratory equipment, including the optical thermal conductivity scanning system, equipment for the transient linear source method, and commercial numerical code, to support the success of the project activities.