Innovation in GEOthermal resources and reserves potential assessment for the decarbonization of power/thermal sectors
Key themes
InGEO addresses the need to increase the share of energy produced from renewable sources by accelerating the development of geothermal in Italy
- Develop an effective assessment if deep geothermal resources taking into account local geological conditions, regime and heat exchange capacity.
- una valutazione efficace delle risorse geotermiche profonde tenendo conto delle condizioni geologiche locali, del regime e della capacità di scambio termico.
- Devise operational solutions for energy production and underground heat storage, optimizing thermal performance.
- Validate with a real case-study the approaches being developed in a regional-scale area.
Expected products
InGEO emphasizes petrophysics and geothermal potential assessment, with the goal of making data accessible to all
- A database of petrophysical rocks’ parameters.
- A 3D model of the shallow lithospheric structures of the study area based on the integration of the data collected, acquired, analyzed, and interpreted in the project.
- A review on deep geothermal potential assessment.
- An Open Source software toot accessible through a web-GIS application for computing the deep geothermal potential with variable heat extraction modes and production rates.
- The thermal performance of deep closed-loop heat exchanger as a function of environmental, design and operating variables.
- Geothermal potential maps of the study area.